Welcome to
Wareham's Church of
England Family
“God is light; In him there is no darkness...”
[1 John 1:5]
Welcome to the churches in our Wareham Church family, within Dorset’s beautiful Isle of Purbeck - each with its own distinctive style and liturgies. Together, we celebrate the light of Christ as we share the peace, harmony and assurance that he offers.
Our five churches are:
The Priory Church of Lady St Mary, Wareham
St Martin on the Walls, Wareham
Sandford St Martin’s Church
St Nicholas Church, Arne
St John the Evangelist Church, East Holme
Our Churches
Our Parish Vision
Our vision is to show God’s love and make Jesus known in our community. We seek to do this by growing as disciples of Christ, reaching out in the power of the Spirit to serve those in need and feeding on God’s word as we share in fellowship together.
Services in the Parish
Services in the Parish this week beginning Sunday 9th February 2025
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP), Lady St Mary, Wareham
9.00am Breakfast Church, Sandford St Martin’s
10.00am Holy Communion, Lady St Mary, Wareham
10.00am Holy Communion (BCP), at St John the Evangelist church
10.30am Holy Communion, Sandford St Martin’s
Wednesday 12th February 11.00am Holy Communion (BCP), St Martin on the Walls
Services in the Parish this week beginning Sunday 16th February 2025
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP), Lady St Mary, Wareham
9.00am Breakfast Church, Sandford St Martin’s
10.00am Praise Communion - Lady St Mary, Wareham
10.30am Morning Worship, Sandford St Martin’s
10.30am Holy Communion (BCP), St Nicholas, Arne
Wednesday 19th February 11.00am Holy Communion (BCP), St Martin on the Walls
What's Happening in the Parish ....
Commemorative 90th Anniversary of the death of T E Lawrence