How you can donate to
help Wareham Churches
Can you help?
It costs approximately £4,000 per week to run our Parish and we are mainly dependent on the regular giving of parishioners to cover this. The simplest way of supporting us is by using the Parish Giving Scheme, or by setting up a regular standing order.
For full details contact the Parish Office on 01929 550905. One-off donations, which are also very much appreciated, can be made, either by Cheque payable to ‘PCC of Wareham’, or online by clicking here.
Ways you can donate:
In Person
We very much appreciate money received via the collection during our services. However, if you are unable to attend – or would find it more convenient – donations may be made by a cheque made out to ‘PCC of Wareham’ and sent to the address at the foot of this page.
Another convenient way of making a donation is to use the online option by using the link here